Wednesday, August 31, 2016

If your 2001 through 2004 model Ford Taurus comes to a screeching halt when you stop or if the car pulls to one side when you apply the brakes, you have a problem. Another indication that you need to give attention to your brakes is if your brake light stays on when you turn on the engine. This can be rectified by replacing the front disc brakes on your Ford Taurus.



    Disconnect the negative battery cable. Using a syringe, turkey baster or similar tool, drain two thirds of the brake fluid from the master cylinder. Remove the wheel and the tire assembly.


    Remove the disc brake caliper locating pins and lift the caliper assembly from the rotor and caliper assembly from the anchor plate. Using mechanic's wire suspend the caliper from the frame. Ensure that the caliper does not hang from the brake hose. This may damage the hose.


    Remove the inner and outer brake pads from the caliper. Inspect the rotor for damage and replace it if necessary. Push the caliper pin back into the bore using a large C-clamp and a block of wood. Install the inner and outer brake disc pads and the anti rattle clip. Once the pads have been installed in the disc brake caliper, install the disc brake caliper and pads.


    Clean any debris or rust from the inside of the caliper in the brake pad contact area. The inner pad needs to be installed into the caliper piston. The outer pad needs to be installed onto the anchor. Apply a small layer of anti-squeal lubricant to out side of the outer brake pads. Next, install the disc brake caliper onto the anchor plate.


    Install the caliper locating pins. Using a torque wrench, torque wrench the caliper locating pins to 23 to 28-ft. lbs. Install the wheel and tire assembly. Place the lug nuts on and using a torque wrench, torque the lug nuts to 85 to 104-ft. lbs.


    Add brake fluid to the master cylinder. Bleed the brakes. Reconnect the negative battery cable to the battery. Start the engine and pump the brakes 3 to 4 times to seat the brake pads. Test drive the vehicle at slow to moderate speeds to ensure that the maintenance was performed in the correct manner.


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