Saturday, June 4, 2016

1996 Honda Civic Trunk Latch Opener Removal

On a 1996 Honda Civic, the trunk latch is controlled by a cable, similar to a brake cable on a bicycle. Over time, that cable can stretch out, causing problems with the trunk latch. The latch itself can also get frozen up or stuck, making opening the trunk very difficult. Fortunately, replacing the latch is a fairly easy task and can be done at home with minimal tools in about 15 minutes. First, though, you have to remove the old latch.



    Open the trunk using either the key hole on the trunk or the interior latch pull, depending on which one is more effective. Lift up the trunk and locate the latch, which sticks out at the base of the trunk.


    Remove the cable for the latch using the flat-head screwdriver, by pulling back the clip that holds the cable in place with the screwdriver, then guiding the cable out of the catch.


    Unbolt the latch from the trunk using an open-end wrench. Pull the wrench away from the trunk, then use the flat-head screwdriver to disconnect the linkage running to the trunk lock. Remove the latch from the car.


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