Saturday, October 4, 2014

How to Remove Windshield Wipers on a 1999 Saturn

Over time and particularly after harsh winters, Saturn windshield wipers may become bent, broken, rusty or discolored and require replacing. Most car owners have changed their own wiper blades at some point, but might consider removing the entire wiper arm too difficult. Like many Saturn car parts, however, the windshield wipers for a 1999 Saturn are easy to remove. Avoid spending the money for labor rates at a dealer or local garage by doing the job yourself.



    Mark the existing wiper position on the windshield using a crayon. This will help you align the wiper arm correctly when you install a new one. Alternatively you can use the car's own markings. At the bottom center of the windshield you will see writing and three small dots. The wiper should rest on top of these dots (see photo).


    Follow the wiper arm down to where it connects with the car. You should find a hinged cap at the end.


    Lift this cap to reveal the nut and screw underneath.


    Use a 13mm wrench (or socket and ratchet) to loosen the nut.


    Remove the nut completely, leaving the screw stud exposed and the wiper arm free to be removed.


    Lift the arm straight up. Wiggle the arm and pull upwards at the same time until the arm slides free of the screw. If it seems stuck, push the arm back down and proceed to Step 6.


    Use a battery cable puller to pry the arm loose. Arrange so the large puller screw cap sits on top of the wiper arm screw. The outside arms (black in photo) have flat fingers that should be fitted underneath the wiper arm.


    Grasp the handle at the top of the puller and turn clockwise. The puller screw will push down on the wiper arm screw and simultaneously pull up on the wiper arm. A few slow turns should pop the wiper arm free.


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