Tuesday, October 14, 2014

If you have decided it's time to give your automobile a fresh look, then applying a new coat of paint may be exactly what the car doctor ordered. However, if you don't take a few common sense steps, you may find yourself with more of a mess than an improvement to your vehicle.



    Detach the bumper from your car before you try to paint it. Painting a bumper that is still attached could result in some paint bleed over that is not what you were looking for.


    Suspend the bumper from a couple of small ropes or wires in a painting area. Make sure the bumper is hung evenly or you risk having run marks once you have applied the paint.


    Clean the car bumper thoroughly to make sure all residue is removed. Painting over a dirty bumper can leave a slipshod and cheap look that will accomplish the exact opposite of your intention.


    Dry the surface of the bumper extremely well. If the bumper is not completely dry then you increase the likelihood that the paint will tend to run once it is applied.


    Apply the paint in a gentle, even spray, making sure that the entire surface is covered and no portion shows a thick, unsightly application.


    Allow the car bumper adequate time to dry before removing it from suspension. Removing the bumper prematurely can lead to fingerprints or scratches that will be there until the next time you paint your bumper.


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