Thursday, December 29, 2016

Since premiering in 1964, the Ford Mustang has had a loyal following. The Ford Mustang is an all-American muscle car. The layout of the suspension and spring type vary according to model year, but the springs in all Mustangs should be high performance and ready for the Ford Mustang's galloping ride.


Replacing the Front Springs in the Ford Mustang


    Raise the Mustang and block the wheels with jack stands. The Mustang has more than adequate room in the suspension area for working comfortably.


    Put a spring compressor on the spring and tighten the compressor to remove the pressure from the suspension's lower control arm.


    Take off the front wheel in order to disconnect the outer tie rod end, ball joint stud and the stabilizer bar link.


    Unbolt the lower control arm mounting bolts and remove the coil spring. It is probably not necessary to take the bolts off completely.


    Put the compressor on the new spring and install it on the Mustang. Make certain to attach the compressor securely before placing any pressure on it.


    Position the new spring (in the compressor) back onto the Mustang and attach it before removing the compressor.


    Attach and tighten the nuts and bolts before replacing the wheel. Tighten down the bolts to factory specifications.

Replacing the Rear Springs in the Ford Mustang


    Raise the Mustang and block the wheels with jack stands. Support the body of the car with a jack beneath the rear crossmember.


    Disconnect the parking brake, wheel speed sensor and remove the stabilizer bar (if the car has one).


    Put a jack beneath the axle and the lower arm axle pivot bolt.


    Lower the jack beneath the axle pivot bolt slowly to take the pressure off the spring. This is the most dangerous part of the repair and a spring compressor can be used also as a double precaution.


    Replace the spring and put it on the lower arm spring seat with the spring pointing to the left side.


    Replace any part removed during the repair and properly tighten all nuts and bolts before reconnecting the brake cable and stabilizer.


    Remove the crossmember supports and lower the the Mustang.


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