Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Failing to set a caliper may result in not having any back brakes. The caliper rubs against the brake pad to make the wheel stop. The brake pedal inside the car will have no resistance if the adjustment is not correct. Car maintenance is crucial to driving safely. Each brake has a caliper adjustment, so check it regularly.



    Take the spring off the caliper and turn it clockwise to adjust the piston. It will be in an outward position when finished.


    Twist the lever as far as it will go. Use a wrench to do this step. Now rotate it back the other way. Adjustments require patient repetition in order to get it right.


    Feel for a stop in the movement and stop. Put the spring back in. Do not twist too tight and feel the tension build in your hand.


    Look for the piston to remain in an outward position. If it doesn't, you will need to repeat the process.


    Use a ratchet if necessary to screw the caliper out the desired distance. This step is critical because the caliper is key when you need to stop your car.


    Check the caliper as the pads wear on the car. You can release the caliper outward to extend the life of the brakes. Do not drive with the brake pads too low.


    Make sure to stabilize the car with blocks and a jack. It would be safer if you put the car on a lift. Many self-proclaimed mechanics have accidents because they did not jack up the car safely.


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