Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The weather strip on the GMC Safari is the rubber seal the runs along the door frames and makes a seal that stops wind and rain from getting into the van once the doors have been shut. These seals last a long time, but as soon as you see that the weather strips are damaged of worn you will need to change the strip out. You can buy the replacement strips at an auto parts store.



    Open the door and pull the weather strip off of the door frame using your hand. Pull the weather strip gently and slowly or it will rip. You would then need to pry the strip out of the edge, which is more time-consuming.


    Apply a small amount of water displacement lubrication to the edge that the weather strip came out of. Rub the lubricant into the frame using you finger. Make sure that the lubricant gets inside the frame so that it will help the new weather strip slide into place.


    Place the weather strip on the edge of the door frame. Make sure that the thick round edge on the replacement weather strip is facing the door frame and not the edge. Push the thin edge on the weather strip into the edge of the door frame.


    Cut the ends of the weather strip so that they are flush with the door frame. Repeat for all other weather strips that need to be replaced.


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