Saturday, May 21, 2016

How to Remove Rust From Floorboards

Rust forms all over cars, including on places you might not be able to see, like the floorboards. A car might look perfectly spotless on the outside, but when you start ripping up the floor carpeting, you might find rusted metal that must be repaired. To complete this task you will need some special skills and knowledge of your car's interior. After you get past this hurdle, though, the rest of the project is fairly straightforward.



    Spread newspaper or a plastic tarp on the ground directly under your vehicle's floorboards to protect your garage floor or driveway from paint and rust flakes.


    Pull up the carpet from the floorboards. First, pry up one end of the carpet with a small pry bar or similar tool. Then pull the carpet up and out of the vehicle, exposing the floorboards.


    Locate the spots of rust on the floorboards and scrub each one with an abrasive pad to remove the rust flakes. Work carefully around the painted surface areas that remain intact and untouched by rust.


    Lightly sand the rusted spots down with 200- or 300-grit metal sandpaper once the larger rust flakes are removed. Sand down to the bare metal.


    Apply a coat of rust neutralizer to the floorboards directly over the rusted spots. Allow the neutralizer to dry as specified on the label (usually between 12 and 24 hours). This material will stop future rust from forming.


    Apply a coat of automotive primer directly onto the floorboards, covering the rust spots and neutralizer completely. Allow the primer to dry for four to eight hours or as otherwise suggested on the primer label. Then apply one more coat of primer to the floorboards.


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