Monday, March 17, 2014

The tailgate handle on your truck is responsible for opening and closing the tailgate. If your truck is having problems with a stuck tailgate and it won't open, then the problem may be in the tailgate itself, or possibly in the underlying linkage. In either case, the tailgate handle will need to be removed to access the appropriate parts. This process works for most all types of trucks.



    Carefully pull off the plastic trim ring mounted around the perimeter of the tailgate handle with your hands.


    Unbolt the tailgate handle from the inside of the tailgate using the 3/8-inch ratchet and a Torx-head socket.


    Pull the tailgate handle out away from the tailgate. Carefully pry off the plastic clips holding the linkage to the handle with the flathead screwdriver. Pull the tailgate away from the truck.


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