Saturday, January 9, 2016

The 240SX was a sporty compact coupe sold by Nissan from 1988 to 1998. The first-generation 240SX (1988 to 1994) was dubbed the S13 model. If you want to upgrade your 240SX's stereo speakers, you'll need to remove the door panel to access them. The same is true if you want to repair the internal door latches or electric components, or replace the door glass. Removing the door panel isn't that difficult; expect the procedure to last about 15 minutes.



    Disconnect the negative cable from the car battery, using pliers. This is a safety precaution; it prevents shock when handling the car's electrical components.


    Look inside the door's armrest coin holder (part of the window-control panel); you will find a square screw cover. Pry this cover up with a flat-head screwdriver. Remove the Phillips screw from beneath the cover.


    Grasp the window-control panel around the coin holder, then pull it up to remove it from the door panel. Unplug the connection beneath the control panel, and set the piece to the side.


    Pull off the plastic panel surrounding the inside door handle. There are no screws securing this panel; tug it gently to remove it from the door panel. Pull open the inside door handle to slide the panel around the handle.


    Open the door wide to access the front of the panel (closest to the engine; when the door is closed, it's hidden by the edge of the dashboard). There is a single Phillips screw here. Remove the screw.


    Grasp the sides of the door panel with your hands; gently begin tugging to unhook the clips attaching the panel to the door. Once the clips are detached, push the panel upward to raise it over the upper-door lip. Pull the door panel away from the door.


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