Saturday, January 14, 2017

Access to the Nissan Pathfinder's signal light assembly is easy. Changing the signal light bulb is much like changing the light bulb in a house lamp. The owner's manual of the Nissan Pathfinder tells you which replacement bulb to purchase. Learning how to replace the bulb is simple.



    Flick the turn signal on and off to see which bulb is blown. You may want to get a friend to turn the signal light on and off while you stand outside the Pathfinder to check the operation of the lights.


    Feel along the front panel/bumper of the Pathfinder to find the screws on the bracket of the light housing. There are plastic pegs that can break on the light housing if it is pulled out incorrectly.


    Move the light housing out slowly. Watch for the plastic pegs on the outside of the housing. The pegs point into the vehicle.


    Find the spring bracket that holds the housing to the car. Gently detach the spring bracket and lift out the light housing.


    Twist the bulb socket to reveal the signal light bulb. Look to see if the bulb's filament is blown. If the filament is fine and the signal light doesn't work, the issue is wire-related which will need a mechanic to repair.


    Check the owner's manual of the Nissan Pathfinder to determine the wattage of the bulb. If you use the wrong watt bulb as a replacement, the electronic system in the car can short out.


    Poke the plastic pegs back into the holes in the car where the light housing is located. Push the spring bracket in place and screw the housing back in place.


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