Sunday, January 1, 2017

Replacing the ball joints in your car can be a tedious process and requires the rental of a specialty tool kit, but doing the job yourself can save you time, money and the hassle of taking your car to a professional mechanic.



    Rent a ball joint press kit from your local auto parts store and purchase the new ball joint kit. Inspect it for damage before you leave the store, in case it must be exchanged. The same goes for the ball joint press kit -- make sure all the pieces of the kit are present.


    Remove the boot from the end of the new ball joint and find the control arm you removed during the disassembly process. You must seat the ball joint into the control arm before reinstalling the control arm or boot.


    Set up the ball joint press by placing the ball joint where it belongs on the control arm. Next, place the driving cup on the flat end of the ball joint and the receiving cup on the end with the stud. Place the press around it and, with the screw going toward the driving cup, hand-tighten the screw.


    Tighten the vice until the ball joint is pressed all the way into the control arm. The shoulder on the control arm must come together tightly with the ball joint sleeve.


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