Sunday, August 10, 2014

Motor mounts hold the cars motor in place in the engine compartment. They attach to the engine as well as to the vehicles frame. Youll find a rubber cushion between the mount and the frame to absorb the vibration. Over time, the rubber part may dry out and brake or tear. However, if youre mechanically inclined, you can fix a broken motor mount.



    Find a place under the engine where you can position a jack without damaging any parts. Jack up the vehicle and secure the motor with some wooden blocks to keep it from slipping.


    Take a long extension with a universal joint and loosen the motor mount bolts. Proceed to loosen the mount-to-frame bolts as well. You may need to crawl under the vehicle to do this.


    Remove the broken motor mount once you have lifted the engine little by little. Remember to remove any heat or drip shields from the broken mount and position them on the new motor mount.


    Position the bolts in place but do not tighten them; lightly thread them. It will allow you to align the engine mount properly.


    Finish fixing the broken mount by lowering the engine and tightening the bolts.


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