Tuesday, November 8, 2016

There is less involved with the lighting system on a Nissan Maxima than you may think. Since the signal lights on your car are a safety feature, it is important to check them regularly. In most cases, the issue with a signal light is a burnt-out bulb. Changing a light bulb on your Maxima is as easy as changing the bulb in a ceiling light in your home.



    Read the owner's manual for your Nissan Maxima. In the manual, you will find a chart for light bulb replacement. Write down the trade code number for the signal light you will replace.


    Find the signal light housing under the hood of the Maxima. The owner's manual will tell you where to locate the signal light assembly.


    Turn the screws with a Phillips screwdriver counter-clockwise to loosen the signal light assembly.


    Twist the socket where the bulb rests. Inspect the signal light bulb for a blown filament. The bulb may look black or the filament may be broken.


    Make sure that the removed light housing hasn't detached any of the wires connecting the signal light to the battery.


    Take the new signal light bulb and place it in the bulb socket. Be careful not to push so hard on the bulb that is breaks in your hands.


    Test the signal lights with a friend watching before you take your Nissan Maxima out on the road for a drive.


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