When you're inspecting the battery cables on your Mercury Villager, look for loose connections or corrosion on the cable ends. Check the wires for fraying on the rubber coating. If you don't have a good clean connection, you will have trouble starting the van. Turn off the van, set the parking brake and don a pair of gloves to remain safe from battery acid while changing the battery cables.
- 1
Lift the hood and find the battery on the driver's side under the arm that holds the hood up on the Mercury Villager. Use a stool or stepladder if you can't get a good grip on the battery cables and their connections, because the reach can be awkward.
2Loosen the bolt on the negative battery cable with the minus sign on it with a box wrench or cable clamp pliers. Wriggle the cable end off the post. Repeat the process on the positive cable. Take off both battery cables, even if you're replacing only one of them.
3Follow the negative cable to where it's grounded on the side panel. Remove the end of the cable with a wrench. Track the positive cable to its connection on the starter solenoid on the driver's rear side of the engine and remove it with a wrench.
4Clean the battery posts with a small wire brush or cable cleaner and wipe clean with a dry cloth.
5Attach the new positive cable first, reversing the process in Step 3. Put on the negative cable last and start the van to ensure the connections are working on your Mercury Villager.
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