Shock absorbers are essential to maintaining the stability of your truck's suspension while maintaining a smooth ride. If you begin to feel excessive banging at either the front or rear end of your GMC Denali truck, you need to change both of the shock absorbers at that end. One of the most important tasks when removing and installing the shocks is properly supporting the vehicle, and there can be some variations in the process depending on the year of the truck and certain special features it may have.
Front Shock
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Raise the truck's front end and support it on jack stands, then remove the wheel adjacent to the shock absorber. Raise the floor jack underneath the outer end of the wheel's lower control arm.
2Remove the shock's upper mounting nut while holding the stem with a backup wrench along with the washer and rubber grommet, then remove the lower mounting bolt. If the Denali has four-wheel drive, remove the bolts/nuts in the reverse order.
3Remove the shock absorber, pulling it out of the fenderwell from below.
4Install the shock absorber into the fenderwell and apply the nuts, bolts, washers and grommets in the reverse order of removal.
5Lower the truck off both the floor jack and jack stands.
Rear Shocks
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Block the truck's front wheels with blocks or chocks, then raise and support the rear end, placing the jack stands under the frame rails.
7Raise the floor jack under the axle tube near the shock absorber to support the axle.
8Remove both the lower and upper nuts/bolts for the shock absorber with your wrench and remove the shock from the car.
9Install the replacement shock and apply its mounting fasteners with your wrench.
10Lower the vehicle off the jack stands.
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