Do-it-yourself car repair can save you the time, money and the hassle of taking your car to a professional mechanic. Replacing the ball joints may be a project needed just once in the lifetime of a vehicle, but it's still a good experience to work with the various components, including the control arm, of the vehicle's front end.
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Secure the car on a set of jack stands using a floor jack and a little common sense. Don't place the jack stands under the control arms as you normally would, as you will be removing them during this application. Instead, place them under a stable point of the car frame near the center of the front end.
2Remove the wheel, brake calipers and other components of the braking system to gain access to the ball joint. Once you've accomplished this, you can determine the size of ball joint press you will need. If it is not one you have, you must remove the control arm and take the entire assembly to a shop to determine the specific ball joint press required.
3Locate the nuts and bolts that must be removed before detaching the control arm assembly. There will likely be a retaining bolt on the top near you to get the splay bar link off. There will also be three bolts. Break them free with a 1/2-inch ratchet and 17 mm socket.
4Loosen the bolts until they are finger tight and finish removing them with your fingers; this helps you avoid losing them. Check for additional fasteners and remove them. Lift the control arm assembly out from under the car. You are now ready to get the ball joint pressed out.
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