Keeping your vehicle running great and working correctly, including the indicator lights, is vital if you are going to be driving on public roads. When your turn signals begin to act up and operate in strange ways, it is time to fix them. The turn signals of the Ford Mustang can behave strangely if a bulb burns out in the system or a flasher relay goes bad.
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Check the turn signals on the Mustang and see if any of them don't light. If burned out, replace the bulb and recheck the turn signals. Most of the erratic operations seen in the turn signals occur due to a burned-out bulb.
2Open the fuse box and locate the fuse for the exterior turn signals. Check the continuity of the fuse. If the fuse has blown, then exchange it for a new fuse.
3Look under the dash on the left side of the steering wheel. Newer models of Mustangs have the flasher relay to the right of the steering wheel, some as far right as the glove compartment. The flasher is anywhere from the back of the radio or fuse box to behind the glove box.
4Feel the relay for any clicking when you turn on the turn signal. Remove the relay and replace it with a new flasher relay. Get out and start the Mustang. Check all the lights--turn signal lights and hazard flashers.
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