Monday, September 19, 2016

There are two types of dent repair when it comes to automobiles: major and minor. Major dent repair needs to be done at an auto body shop; the damage usually results from a major collision, and repair can be very expensive. Auto body shops also do minor dent repair to panels of the car for a price, but these dents can be removed at home with a few simple pieces of equipment or materials.

Dry Ice

    Dry ice can be purchased at your local grocery store and can easily remove small dents from the body of your car. Simply touch the dry ice to the dent for a few seconds and then remove it to see if the dent is gone. Continue to do this until the dent goes away. This works best with very small dents, but it does work and is very cheap. Be careful not to touch the dry ice with your bare hands, however, as it is so cold it can burn your skin.

Hair Dryer and Air Duster

    This is a simple way to remove dents, as you most likely have these two items available or easily accessed wherever you live. By turning the air duster upside down, liquid carbon dioxide is produced, which is very cold. First the dent needs to be heated with a hair dryer for about 30 seconds. Then quickly apply the cold liquid carbon dioxide from the upside-down air duster to the dent. The extreme change in temperature should pop the dent out on its own. If it doesn't happen immediately, try the process again.

Lighter and Air Duster

    If a hair dryer is not available, a lighter and air duster can be used, and may be an even cheaper and more efficient way to remove dents from a car. This precedure involves the same principle of heating the dent and then cooling it quickly, but with a lighter in this case, and a folded piece of foil over the dent itself. The foil is integral here, as a lighter against the dent alone will burn or melt the paintwork on your car, causing more trouble than was there before. Once the dented area has been heated up with the lighter, immediately cool it down with the liquid carbon dioxide from the air duster.


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